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Scopus AI: Trusted content. Powered by responsible AI.

Scopus AI is an intuitive and intelligent search tool powered by generative AI (GenAI) that enhances your understanding and enriches your insights with unprecedented speed and clarity. Built in close collaboration with the academic community, it is a fully realized, subscription-based solution that serves as your trusted guide through the vast expanse of human knowledge found on Scopus, the world's largest multidisciplinary and trusted abstract and citation database.

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Woman on laptop using generative AI

Get relevant responses based on recent, trusted knowledge

As a source-neutral database, Scopus is home to 27,800+ peer-reviewed journals and 330,000+ books - all meticulously reviewed and selected by an independent board of experts.

Scopus AI draws exclusively on the metadata and abstracts of documents published since 2013, with the vector search identifying the most relevant content from 7,000+ publishers featured in the database. This knowledge base is updated daily to ensure the response you receive is always based on the most recent and trusted information.

Scopus AI launch video thumbnail

Save time with reliable and digestible research summarization

When you type your query into Scopus AI, it synthesizes the abstracts of relevant documents into a clear, digestible and referenced summary within seconds.

Scopus AI always provides the references it used to build your summary— providing transparency so you can trust the integrity of its answers.

Screenshot of Scopus AI 'Topic summaries' feature

Build and deepen new knowledge with unique features

In addition to the summaries, Scopus AI suggests 'Go deeper' questions that help you drill down and broaden your understanding of the field.  

To help you identify influential research in that field, Scopus AI mines the full Scopus database to create a list of Foundational papers – these are the high-impact papers that have received the highest number of citations from the papers identified for writing the summary.  

Screenshot of Scopus AI 'Foundational papers' feature

Open new avenues of exploration with Concept maps

Scopus AI uses keywords from research abstracts to generate a Concept map for each query. This helps you get a bird's-eye view of the topic space and a more complete picture of your theme and its relation to other research areas — even those outside your comfort zone.

Watch a short demo of Concept maps(opens in new tab/window)

Screenshot of Scopus AI 'Concept map' feature

Support collaboration with options for discovering experts

The Topic experts feature draws on the 19.6+ million author profiles in Scopus to find the top researchers linked to your query and generate a summary of their work and contributions.

And because transparency is one of our key GenAI development principles, we explain why each individual was selected.

Screenshot of Scopus AI 'Topic experts' feature

"The Scopus AI interface is intuitive and easy to use, it allows the researcher to obtain an overview of a problem, as well as identify authors and approaches, in a more agile search session than conventional search.

It is a valuable tool for literature reviews, construction of theoretical frameworks and verification of relationships between variables, among other applications that are actually impossible to delimit."

Read the full preprint(opens in new tab/window)


Elisenda Aguilera

Researcher at Pompeu Fabra University in Spain

The Scopus AI difference

The use of generative AI in research and education comes with key concerns about safety, accuracy and ethics(opens in new tab/window) and must be informed by thoughtful guidance such as this 2023 published report from UNESCO(opens in new tab/window). Scopus AI is built and maintained to deliver the transparency, safety, accuracy and relevance of insights that higher education and research organizations require.

Developed responsibly

For over 10 years, Elsevier has used AI and machine learning responsibly in our products, combining it with unparalleled peer-reviewed content, extensive data sets and sophisticated analytics. Scopus AI is developed in line with Elsevier's Five Responsible AI Principles. It offers:

  • Clear and verifiable references to document abstracts used in summarizations

  • Legal and technology protections to ensure zero data exchange or use of Elsevier data to train OpenAI's public model

  • Adherence to European GDPR that guarantees user privacy and avoids unnecessary data retention

Elsevier's Five Responsible AI Principles

Technology with clear scope and instructions

The technology that underpins Scopus AI is maintained for:

  • Transparency: We require Scopus AI to ground all its claims on the curated Scopus database and provide references for everything

  • Quality: Scopus AI undergoes intermittent evaluations using our quality framework to ensure that the outputs meet our rigorous standards for quality, relevancy & coherency.

  • Reliability: The prompts that lie behind Scopus AI help to reduce outputs that are factually inaccurate or unreliable.

Although it's currently impossible to entirely eliminate inaccurate responses, these steps greatly reduce the risk of them appearing, and we continue to work on developments to limit that risk.

Scopus AI Technology Explainer video thumbnail

Developed and tested for academic community use cases

The research community has contributed ideas and feedback on Scopus AI since the design stage. Thousands of researchers worldwide participated in rigorous testing, and our engaged user community is continuing to shape Scopus AI’s future.

By constantly listening and iterating based on user feedback, we know we've developed a tool that meets the academic community's needs and specific use cases.

Watch how Scopus AI helps you gain insights in seconds(opens in new tab/window)

Learn how Scopus AI can work for your institution

Speak with an Elsevier representative about your research needs.

Frequently asked questions

On this page, we feature some of the questions most commonly asked by the community.

Scopus AI FAQs

“Something that gives me a lot of confidence in this tool is that the results are referenced, and it’s easy to check the references.”

Want to read more about Bruno's experience navigating scientific literature with Scopus AI?

Read the full article


Bruno Augusto

PhD student at University of Aveiro, Portugal

Latest news and insights

Find out more about Scopus AI and the technology that drives these recently published articles.

Featured articles and resources

"...the true value of LLMs lies not in their ability to find information but rather in their capacity to reframe it in a way that helps us comprehend its significance."

Photo of Adrian Raudaschl


Adrian Raudaschl

Elsevier Senior Product Manager


Join us in upcoming Scopus AI webinars, or watch the recordings from previous sessions.

Upcoming webinar: Unlocking insights with genAI: Enhance research efficiency in the library

The upcoming Choice (by ACRL(opens in new tab/window)) webinar will focus on how Scopus AI empowers interdisciplinary collaboration, demystifies emerging fields, helps identify research partners, and uncovers promising areas for exploration. Gain practical insights into transparency, reliability, accuracy, and relevance of results.

Register now(opens in new tab/window)

Upcoming webinar: GenAI for researchers - tips, tricks and pitfalls

This session will spotlight the Top 5 use cases for generative AI for researchers, showcasing how this groundbreaking technology can expedite research processes and enhance the accuracy of outputs. Whether you're a researcher keen on fully harnessing Scopus AI, or a research leader looking to integrate more tech-forward practices, this webinar will provide you with valuable insights and practical advice.

Tue, Jun 04

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM GMT+8

Register now(opens in new tab/window)

On-demand webinar: How curated, enriched & connected data enhance research insights

Explore how Scopus data can be used to inform a generative AI solution to support researchers. Topics include content selection, bias minimization, content integrity, quality and accuracy assurance, and Scopus content used to train AI.

Watch the recording(opens in new tab/window)

On-demand webinar: Navigating essential practices in responsible Gen AI

Learn how we addressed ethical implications, quality control, and fairness concerns during the development of Scopus AI.

Watch the recording(opens in new tab/window)

On-demand webinar: An in-depth exploration of Scopus AI

Discover how researchers can effectively use Scopus AI throughout the research journey and learn practical ways to leverage our Gen AI-informed results for an accelerated search process. 

Watch the recording(opens in new tab/window)

Learn how Scopus and Scopus AI can help your organization achieve its goals.

Librarian helping student