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이 새로운 경험에 대한 귀하의 의견에 감사드립니다.의견을 말씀해 주세요(새 탭/창에서 열기)

엘스비어와 함께 출판

Engage, educate and empower patients

87% of consumers want personalized healthcare tools1

What’s the best approach to “meet your patients where they are”? When you provide personalized education in each patient’s preferred format, language, and reading level — delivered to be actionable and meaningful to their health — you can build engagement at every stage of their healthcare journey.

Woman on metro looking at phone

About PatientPass

Empower your patients to be active in their care

With Elsevier’s PatientPass and Patient Engagement solutions, you can drive a positive patient education experience for your patients and clinicians.

  • Empower patients to make more informed healthcare decisions

  • Promote better outcomes by making it easier for patients to understand and follow treatment plans

  • Enhance satisfaction with a patient-centric approach that acknowledges their unique needs

  • Equip clinicians with evidence-based patient education built into their workflow

  • Help clinicians build trust with patients by sharing the right information at the right time

Turn your patients into active participants in their healthcare, not only while they’re with their care team but, more importantly, at home where most of their care will take place.

PatientPass로 최고의 교육 제공을 시작하세요

Two female nurses and one male nurse walking and talking in a hospital. One female nurse holds a file folder.

1 Rastegayeva I. Personalization in Healthcare, a Global Perspective. Dassaut Systems. February 28,2020.  (3ds.com)